More Hope Please! And Other Things!

Published: April 25, 2022, 1:13 a.m.


Hello, and welcome to episode 139 of the Childless not by Choice Podcast. It’s me, Civilla Morgan. Well, this is a minisode.  I had other plans for this episode, but since I had no plans to skip April, I decided to just go ahead with what I had. So if you will give me just a few minutes of your time, I promise it will not be a waste of time. 


What is today’s show about:

More Hope Please! And a few other things.

Thank you Patreon contributors:

I would like to take a moment to thank the people who make a financial contribution to the platform every month, my Patreon Contributors. 


Your contributions help pay my podcast producer, my podcast host, Zoom, where I interview most of my guests, etc. So thank you very much!     


If you are not yet a Patron, visit to set up your monthly contribution. No matter your giving level, I have a gift for you!  

If you prefer to give via PayPal, you can find me there at

Your contributions to the platform are greatly appreciated! Thank you! 






Visit the website at, look to the left on the home screen, and click on the link below the telephone to leave me an up to 90-second voicemail.

Body of episode:


  • I was interviewed by Sheri Johnson on her podcast Awakening Worth. Episode 57. Link in the show notes.
  • I was asked by the Not a Momma Life Podcast to hijack them for one episode! How cool, right. You got it, link in the show notes.
  • Have you read the quarterly newsletter? It’s the first newsletter of 2022. Do check it out. Subscribe for free on the website,  
  • I’ve been trying to decide if I should get transcripts done for this podcast. I was advised by one listener that transcripts would be nice as English is a second language and some things got lost in translation when listening. I never thought about that. The initial reason I considered transcripts was for those who are hearing impaired. I have had one episode transcribed so far: episode 137. I will place the transcripts for episodes where I create transcripts, at the bottom of the show notes for said episodes. I may create a section on the website for transcripts at a future date. But for now, they will be in the show notes for said episode. 


  • I am also going to be quite transparent with you: transcriptions are an additional cost to the platform. If you would like to make a contribution to the platform either for general costs or if you want to contribute specifically for transcripts, let me know. You may Paypal me at And of course, if you would like to give monthly, visit thank you!   


  • Reviews for good–, leave a review for this podcast and .25 cents will be donated to World Central Kitchen. If you are not familiar with WCK, they go to wherever in the world there is conflict and feed people. They put themselves in harm's way to feed people. They are currently in Ukraine. Thank you!  

Transition to talk about hope: 


Did we talk about hope in a prior episode? Maybe. But I think we can all use more hope, right? 

What’s going on in the world–Have you thought of the fact that almost every country has some type of drama or conflict going on? I mean is it because we are more connected so that we know right away when something happens around the globe? Most likely. 


Do you believe we can be stressed by other people’s stress?  Is there such a thing? I think so. I mean I have been glued to the news and to Twitter following the conflict in Ukraine. It’s heartbreaking to watch. 


So I went on a search and found an article saying that stress can be caught, like catching a cold. I don’t know, you decide. I put a link in the show notes. 

But I am thinking of it differently. Like the stress of watching other people suffer, whether it is a terrible car accident on a local highway or street. Or on the other side of the world, watching a sovereign country gets invaded. Or hearing in the news about civil wars that have been going on for decades. 

What about a friend or family member who is in some type of conflict and drama? That can stress you outright? You know where I am going with this: Limit it all. Yes, many of us want to know what is going on around the world and in our world, but too much of it can be quite stressful. 


It is up to you to decide how much you can take in. It is up to you to decide to step away for some amount of time, decided by you, not by someone else. It’s OK to step away.  

At this point in a somewhat post-pandemic period as there continues to be worldwide drama, it is very important to find a happy medium. 


No one wants to get caught flat-footed about an issue they should have been paying attention to. But at the same time, not taking a moment away from even the heartbreaking grief of others, can be unhealthy. Find your happy medium and create your kind but firm boundary around it. 

Respect your health, your heart, and your mind. You will be healthier and stronger for it.     


Thanks for tuning in, see you next month! 

Links mentioned in the episode: 

Sheri Johnson

Not a Momma Life Podcast:

Articles/links of interest:'s%20true%E2%80%94stress%20from%20others,become%20more%20anxious%2C%20as%20well.

Special thank you to:

Not a Momma podcast

Awakening Worth Podcast  

My contact information:

Website: and
Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan
Twitter: @civilla1
Instagram: @joyandrelevance
Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM
LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM