About The Children

Published: Sept. 26, 2016, 4 p.m.

21st Century Hannah Listeners, hello!

Thanks for coming back for another episode of 21st Century Hannah! I so appreciate your taking the time to listen. I especially want to thank those of you who are repeat listeners. I am truly humbled.

I hope you are telling your friends and family about the show, and feel free to share the show to your social media followers! I would appreciate that!

In this episode I ask ‘about the children?’ There are millions of children worldwide who have no one to protect them. In fact, in some cases, they have been abandoned by their very own parents. For many of us, this is an unbelievable scenario to imagine! But in many parts of the world, it is the unfortunate norm. Partly because of unbelievably sad situations and decisions. And partly because of ingrained societal beliefs. Beliefs many people around the world may find arcane.

But we cannot approach these belief systems from a place of superiority. We need to chip away at beliefs that leave human beings in peril, in a way that makes the owners of these thoughts realize that we are all human first.  We need to spread the word globally, that every human being wants and deserves to live in dignity; from the youngest to the oldest human.  We need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes on a regular basis.

So, in this episode: Have you ever wondered what about the children worldwide who have no protector. Have you ever seen pictures of abandoned toddlers and young children in countries around the world? I have a Pinterest board called My Heart.  Representative of the planet on which we live, some of the pictures are of well taken care of children who seem happy. But there are also heartbreaking pictures of malnourished and in some cases, abandoned children.

This should not be our world, still, in 2016. I believe physically, spiritually, emotionally connecting two groups of people together worldwide would be a wonderful idea. What if those of us who are childless not by choice decided to do something.  What if we did something to acknowledge the fact that there are children parentless not by choice. It sounds so simple right?

It could be anything from actually volunteering to help with this segment of society, to simply praying for these children on a regular basis. Pray without ceasing, you know?

When we help others, we think less of ourselves, our circumstances. And trust me when I tell you that prayer is just as important as doing. What do you think? Tell me, I want to know.  My contact information is below.                                           

Until next time! Bye!


My contact information:

Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and


Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan

Twitter: @civilla1

Instagram: @joyandrelevance and @civilla1

Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM

LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM