Travel Chargebacks Due to COVID-19 Ai Events (Interview)

Published: May 26, 2020, 6:37 p.m.

b'This episode is from an earlier interview with Harlan Hutson the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Brands at Chargebacks911. He was interviewed by Ritesh Gupta from Airline Information about the impact that COVID-19 has had on chargebacks.\\nMinimizing the impact of chargebacks is critical for airlines in the era of COVID-19. As merchants, #airlines have to be spot on with their stance considering the havoc created by the pandemic, and how best they can cope up.\\nMore so because chargeback management is complex. For instance, each of the major card networks has its own specific set of codes. It is important to consult the #creditcard networks\\u2019 #chargeback reason codes. So airlines need to delve into various issues :\\nHow can travel merchants prevent disputes from happening in the first place?\\nHow have initiatives by card brands relieved the strain on merchants?\\nWhat guidance can inform an airline team on what chargebacks are valid?\\nHow can we conserve much needed cash while meeting our obligations to customers, regulators and the payment schemes?'