Monicas Tips to Outsmart Holiday Hackers (Interview)

Published: Sept. 29, 2020, 12:47 p.m.

b'This episode is from an earlier interview with Monica Eaton-Cardone the COO at Chargebacks911. She was interviewed by The Hosts on WFLA.\\nDuring the four-minute segment, Monica talked about the risk sources consumers face this year. There are new and different threats surfacing every day, and consumers need to stay sharp to thwart them. \\u201cThe first rule in defense is to make sure you\\u2019re discerning,\\u201d Monica explains. \\u201cDon\\u2019t take anything for granted, verify everything, especially from a financial institution. Anything that has access to cash or something that has value: second-guess, third-guess it. Call your bank and be sure it came from them.\\u201d\\nOf course, fraud prevention is hard to break-down into a simple \\u201cblack-and-white\\u201d binary. There are no firm rules in place that denote a fraud attack. Similarly, there are no perfect techniques to ensure consumers won\\u2019t still be victimized.'