Launching Alternative Payments (Webinar Replay)

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 4:55 p.m.

b'Webinar Replay \\u2013 Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911 and Soar Payments\\nIn the eCommerce world, offering consumers payment options beyond payment cards can deliver substantial benefits, including lower processing costs and a decreased risk of chargebacks. For high-risk accounts, alternative payments can also offer fewer restrictions, along with a higher likelihood of approval.\\nOverview of the most common alternative payment methods: eCheck, ACH, Bitcoin, and more\\nHow alternate payments can be a lifeline for high risk merchants - especially those having chargeback/merchant account trouble.\\nThe challenges of opening a new merchant account after one has been terminated\\nUsing alternative payments to lower chargebacks ... even if you\\u2019re in a high risk space\\nWebinar presentations by Jarrod Wright and Scott Hawksworth'