Finding a Better Alternative: Integrating Alternative Payments While Lowering Friction At Checkout (Webinar Replay)

Published: May 10, 2023, 8:03 p.m.

b'Webinar Replay \\u2013 Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911 and Payline\\nGlobally, credit card payments account for only \\u2153 of online retail. So what other kinds of payments are consumers using? Will offering alternative payment options increase customer loyalty or just lead to checkout friction? In this webinar, we look at why merchants should consider alternatives to legacy payment options.\\nWhat alternative payment methods exist, and which work best?\\nDo payment options lead to conversion\\u2026 or churn?\\nWill more options mean confusing clutter on checkout pages?\\nDo all alternative payments companies work the same?\\nWebinar presentations by Justin Clements and Colin Driscoll'