Facing the Future: What we learned from the 2021 Chargeback Field Report (Webinar Replay)

Published: April 4, 2022, 8:28 p.m.

b'Webinar Replay \\u2013 Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911\\nThe COVID-19 crisis forever changed the retail landscape. In some instances, eCommerce saw a decade\\u2019s growth in just 90 days. Is it enough to offset the rise in chargebacks? See what over 400 merchants are saying about chargebacks and the impact of a global pandemic.\\nThe positive and negative impacts of COVID-19\\nHow consumer behaviors shifted as a result of the pandemic\\nRising fraud threats: why and how merchants are fighting back\\nWays merchants can protect their business and their customers\\nProactively dealing with the surging threat of friendly fraud\\nWebinar presentations by Jarrod Wright and David Pirtle'