Chargeback Prevention Jargon: Translating CDRN, RDR, Order Insight & More Into Plain English (Webinar Replay)

Published: April 1, 2022, 6:54 p.m.

b'Webinar Replay \\u2013 Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911.\\nIn this Q & A-based webinar, we look at some of the terms commonly used to talk about chargeback prevention. We explain what these acronyms mean, and how to know if these tools are right for your business.\\nPrevention options: Learn what chargeback prevention tools are available?\\nTool types: Understand how the different solutions help avoid chargebacks.\\nCost analysis: Learn to accurately estimate the value of prevention.\\nChanging language: How the tools and language have evolved over time.\\nWebinar presentations by Jarrod Wright and David Pirtle'