A Bulletproof Chargeback Management Strategy (Webinar Replay)

Published: Dec. 20, 2021, 8:11 p.m.

b'Webinar Replay \\u2013 Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911 and Vindicia\\nChargebacks are the worst! They take away revenue, cause disruption in business, and cost online merchants billions every year. But chargebacks are a cost of doing business, right? WRONG! This webinar will walk through the best practices, tools and resources to create a bulletproof chargeback management strategy allowing merchants to reduce losses and maximize recovery of revenue, particularly in the growing world of subscriptions where recurring revenue rules all.\\n3 main sources of all chargebacks\\nCreating a bulletproof \\u201cprevent and recover\\u201d plan\\nBest practices in chargeback management\\n5 ways to increase subscriber acquisition and retention\\nWebinar presentations by Harlan Hutson and Trace Galloway'