63 - Chargeback Prevention Strategies You Arent Using... but Should Be (Webinar Replay)

Published: Sept. 9, 2020, 11 a.m.

Webinar Replay – Audio from an earlier webinar with experts from Chargebacks911 & RevGuard.

Ben Scrancher and Jarrod Wright from Chargebacks911® are joined by RevGuard’s Walter Long for a lively discussion that covers hot-button issues and optimization tactics related to chargeback management.

You’ll learn insiders’ tricks for optimizing both your customer service and your chargeback management, as well as proprietary strategies to maximize operations and immediately improve your bottom line.

Topics include:

  • Why most businesses struggle with chargeback prevention
  • Diagnosing the primary sources of chargebacks
  • Implementing underutilized chargeback prevention tactics
  • How customer service strategies can reduce chargebacks


Presentations by Jarrod Wright and Walter Long