Episode 51 | HEAD CARRIAGE & KISSING SPINE - Can Head Height Determine If Your Horse Is A Poor Doer?

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, 1:17 a.m.


In this podcast, Bryan and Dr Lena Clifford have an in-depth discussion about head carriage, kissing spine and the impact this can have on your  metabolism type for your horse. 


What is the optimal height for head carriage?


The impact of head carriage on Kissing Spine. 


What causes a high head carriage?


How to keep your horse head height at a safe, healthy and functional level.


Dr Lena Clifford DVM - Animal Biomechanical Solutions - http://www.biomechanicalsolutions.com.au/index.php


CEN Horse Nutrition - https://cennutrition.com.au/horses/
