Accessing the Blessing

Published: March 31, 2022, 7:42 p.m.

Pastor Zack Strong

Accessing the Blessing

Isaiah 55.1-11, 54.1-17 If you’re not going to walk in freedom and blessing, it’s not God’s fault. He’s already sent the answer, His plan, into the earth. Come you who are thirsty…water represents the spirit, refreshment, restoring. Come buy without price….the spent, burnout, beat up, and broken. Milk is nourishment and wine is exhilaration and excitement. Sing oh barren…it’s time to let go of politics and covid and get our praise back. It’s time to sing again. Enlarge the place of your tent…it’s time to start expecting it. God is doing it. It’s time for us to access the blessing. The book of Isaiah is about prophecy and restoration. If your focus is how wicked the world is then you will miss how great God is. As rain and snow comes to the earth and doesn’t go back, it comes to water the earth and to bud and bring seed to the sower, so does the Word. When we think God isn’t moving, we’re believing a lie. Jesus came first to conquer the things around us so we could live above it. He left but He also left His spirit in us, in the earth. How did God plan for the earth to be taken care of? By seed and harvest. He gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Some people are planters and some are eaters. The first thing that came forth was God’s spoken word. Unplanted seed does no good. The word is always working, we just can’t see the 100%.