Published: March 22, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

DOES TRUMP KNOW THIS IS WHAT THEY'VE COME UP WITH? CBO: Bill to shore up ObamaCare would reduce premiums by 10 percent... "Republicans campaigned for roughly a decade, promising voters they would dismantle former President Barack Obamaâ??s landmark health care legislation; but one of their own senators is trying to keep it alive through the 2018 election cycle. Leadership has nine days to whip representatives and senators behind an appropriations bill that will keep the government funded through 2018. Congressmen are notorious for using must-pass legislation to add on last-minute features they favor or use the hard deadline to force leadershipâ??s hands on a policy issue. GOP Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, along with Democratic Washington Sen. Patty Murray, is using the deadline to sway leadership to include a proposal that would fund politically contentious Obamacare subsidies through 2019. The proposal would provide $10 billion a year for three years for these subsidies. Additionally, the proposal would give states greater Obamacare waiver flexibility and would broaden consumer eligibility for â??copperâ?? plans. Abortion-covering health insurance plans would not receive subsidies under the proposal." READ MORE: dailycaller.com/2018/03/14/senate-obamacare-alexander-murray/ READ MORE: thehill.com/policy/healthcare/378501-bill-to-shore-up-obamacare-would-reduce-premiums-by-10-percent-next-year