Chris Tuff

Published: April 15, 2019, 8:05 p.m.

Everyone is trying to crack the code for how to effectively manage and work alongside Millennials. The world’s largest generation, they will make up 75% of the workforce by 2030. In The Millennial Whisperer (February 12 th , Morgan James Publishing), 38-year-old ad executive Chris Tuff provides practical strategies that are real-world tested and research-based in order to engage and retain Millennial workers. He shows companies how to improve culture and morale while increasing profitability. The youngest to make partner at the century-old advertising agency, 22squared, Tuff understands what makes Millennials tick in the work force and offers ways to bridge gaps in communication between Millennials and the rest of the workforce. An “out-of-the-box” thinker, Tuff encourages employers to create an environment that fosters creativity and comfort between employees and managers, including:  Managers following and commenting on employees’ social media  Supporting the entrepreneurial spirit of Millennials and showing approval for–and even offering advice on–their “side-hustle”  Encouraging employees to pursue passion projects, such as giving them “time off” to volunteer for a cause that they support  Rather than give a straight-out bonus to employees, instead buy them something personal like concert tickets to one’s favorite group Chris is available to speak about the following topics:  How many Millennial myths are inaccurate, leading to misunderstandings and mismanagement  Motivating and incentivizing young workers  Building a corporate culture in which Millennials can thrive  Identifying, training, and empowering leaders to get the most out of Millennials at their companies  Establishing effective rewards system (at lower costs than existing ones)  Designing career track options that motivate Millennials and keep top performers from leaving