Sustainable Investing 4: Emanuel Citron Sourcing Sustainable Managers (Capital Allocators, EP.142)

Published: June 18, 2020, 9:30 a.m.


Manny Citron is Managing Partner at Volery Capital, a private equity firm he co-founded in 2017 to invest in asset management businesses and companies that generate positive social and environmental impact. Manny and his team have canvassed a landscape of over one thousand sustainable investing focused funds and shares a glimpse of what that research discovered.

We discuss Manny\\u2019s path to founding Volery, mapping the universe of impact managers, identifying attractive manager characteristics and thematic opportunities, conducting due diligence, measuring impact, and adding value to portfolio companies. We then turn to investor interest in the space, risks, Volery\\u2019s backing of Renewable Resources Group, and the future of impact investing.

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