Episode 30- Musty Hussies!

Published: Jan. 12, 2021, 2 p.m.

b'Welcome to Campfire Classics, a Literary Comedy Podcast!!\\nWe\'re celebrating Public Domain Day!\\nOn January first, a whole year worth of writing entered the public domain and became fair game for us to try to read.\\xa0 Please join us in welcoming 1925 into the fold.\\xa0 To celebrate, Heather has chosen to give Ken a short story from that year, "The Strange Case" by Edgar Wallace.\\xa0 It will be a race to the finish as Ken tries to make it to the end before his sugar high runs out.\\nToday, your hosts struggle to remember what year it is, compare this week\'s author to a certain famous lifeguard, and definitely don\'t resort to making fart sounds.\\xa0 Because that would be childish.\\nOh!\\xa0 And a thousand thank yous to our new patron, Stefan Brock.\\n"The Strange Case"\\xa0was published in the 1925 collection\\xa0The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder.\\nSo sit back, light a fire (or even a candle), grab a drink, and enjoy.'