Were Not Sure About the iPhone 12... | PhoneBuzz Podcast #61

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, noon

b'Can you pass the ranch, broh?\\n\\n*Nomad Affiliate Link: https://www.pntra.com/t/8-10090-219921-119386\\n\\nThis week, Evan, Zac, Christian and special guest Denton Olson survive the hottest takes Twitter has to offer while Google stays on its evil streak. The boys also discuss the iPhone 12\\u2019s \\u201cold-is-new\\u201d design, Denton plans for a cross-country trip and a Chromecast finds a new home.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded November 14, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\n*PhoneBuzz receives a commission for products purchased through the Affiliate Link.\\n\\nHave You Seen This?\\nhttps://www.droid-life.com/2020/11/11/google-is-ending-unlimited-free-high-quality-storage-on-google-photos/'