Week Off! | PhoneBuzz Podcast

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 12:06 p.m.

b'We chill like chili, broh!\\n\\nThis week, we decided to take a week off to recharge and reboot, much like an LG phone.. except we\\u2019ll actually come back to life. \\u201cB-but PhoneBuzz Podcast,\\u201d you say, \\u201cI miss you s-so much senpai, what do I do? UWU.\\u201d Lucky for you, we\\u2019ve got 74 episodes to quench your thirst \\u2014 we know you haven\\u2019t listened to them all. Do it.\\n\\nWe\\u2019ll be back next week with some new new for Episode 75, don\\u2019t you worry.\\n\\nThanks all you cool cats and kittens,\\nThe PhoneBuzz Podcast\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded February 18, 2021 \\u2014\\n\\nCheck out the latest from Nomad! https://www.pntra.com/t/8-10090-21992...'