The Search for Jeff Bezoss Hair | PhoneBuzz Podcast #46

Published: July 28, 2020, 1:52 p.m.

b'Kanye approves this message, broh!\\n\\nThis week, Evan, Zac, Christian, and special guest Denton Olson give their tech a pastel paint job while T-Mobile gives Sprint a much-needed facelift. The boys also discuss the dystopian future of sports in the age of COVID-19 and Google \\u201cborrows\\u201d yet another feature from iMessage.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded July 26, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\nHave You Seen This?\\n\\n\\nFeature Stories\\n\\n\\n\\nIn Case You Missed It\\u2026\\n'