Marvel Movies RANKED: DEBATE NIGHT 6! | PhoneBuzz Podcast #73

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 12:25 p.m.

b'Doth mother know you weareth her drapes, broh?\\n\\nThis week, Christian, Evan, Zac and special guest \\u2018Big Boy\\u2019 Troy Lecroy debate the best and worst Marvel movies while AT&T releases the world\\u2019s corniest commercial. The boys also discuss Xiami\\u2019s latest abomination, Apple Watches get even more useful and MTV\\u2019s show lineup causes a bit of controversy.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded February 5, 2021 \\u2014\\n\\nCheck out the latest from Nomad!\\n\\n\\nOn That New New\\n\\n\\nFeature Story\\n'