Did Tim Apple REALLY Just 360 NO-SCOPE Fortnite?! (nOt cLiCkBaiT) | PhoneBuzz Podcast #49

Published: Aug. 17, 2020, 2:05 p.m.

b'Why\\u2019s Fortnite cryin\\u2019, did they just get dunked on, broh?\\n\\nThis week, Evan, Zac, and Christian update some airplanes with cutting-edge technology while Zac goes to war with Apple tech support (yet again). The boys also discuss the quiet release of Google\\u2019s Pixel 4a, Apple squares up with Microsoft AND Fortnite, and Evan saves a human life. That last one\\u2019s not a joke.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded August 13, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\nPhoneBuzz Fake News\\nhttps://www.theverge.com/2020/8/11/21363122/boeing-747s-floppy-disc-updates-critical-software\\n\\nFeature Stories\\nhttps://www.androidcentral.com/google-pixel-4a\\nhttps://www.businessinsider.com/apple-explains-why-xbox-game-pass-is-not-on-iphone-2020-8\\nhttps://www.theverge.com/2020/8/13/21366438/apple-fortnite-ios-app-store-violations-epic-payments'