DEBATE NIGHT 5: Pixel 5 is ALIVE! | PhoneBuzz Podcast #55

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'Does it tickle your insides, broh?\\n\\n*Nomad Affiliate Link:\\n\\nThis week, Evan, Zac, Christian and special guest Nick Samourian fiercely debate the freshly-unveiled Pixel 5 while Google changes course on the Chromecast. The boys also discuss Amazon\\u2019s new pinky ring, an Apple Watch finds a new home and Zac gets courted by a cool customer.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded October 1, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\n*PhoneBuzz receives a commission for products purchased through the Affiliate Link.\\n\\nFeature Story\\n\\n'