Clifford the Cringe Tech Dog... | PhoneBuzz Podcast #63

Published: Nov. 30, 2020, noon

b'Toasted turkey on wheat, broh!\\n\\nThis week, Evan and Christian bid \\u2018ta-ta\\u2019 to the Galaxy Note series while Samsung gets ready to roll out an innovative replacement. The boys also discuss Christian\\u2019s insane wallpaper habit, Evan gives his left kidney to Sony and the gang uncovers the worst Twitter Take of all time.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded November 25, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\nNomad Affiliate Link:\\nPhoneBuzz receives a commission for products purchased through the Affiliate Link.\\n\\nOn That New New\\n\\n\\nFeature Story\\n\\n\\nIn Case You Missed It\\n'