AWFUL Icons & INDESTRUCTIBLE iPhones? | PhoneBuzz Podcast #59

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, noon

b'Park it like it\\u2019s hot, broh!\\n\\n*Nomad Affiliate Link:\\n\\nThis week, Evan, Zac and Christian question the iPhone 12\\u2019s durability while Microsoft gives Sony the cold shoulder. The boys also discuss Google\\u2019s controversial design changes and Evan has a hard time waiting for the 12 Pro Max.\\n\\n\\u2014 Recorded October 29, 2020 \\u2014\\n\\n*PhoneBuzz receives a commission for products purchased through the Affiliate Link.\\n\\nFake News\\n\\n\\nHave You Seen This?\\n\\n\\nFeature Story\\n'