How to Defuse Conflict Before It Begins

Published: Feb. 11, 2020, 9:06 a.m.

b'We don\\u2019t know anybody who loves interpersonal conflict. It\\u2019s uncomfortable, and it brings up a ton of negative emotions. Most of us try to avoid conflict whenever possible. Even as a leader, you may wonder, \\u201cDo I really have to have this hard conversation?\\u201d Here\\u2019s some good news. Conflict can actually be an opportunity for growth, not just a problem to solve. That happens when you learn how to engage with others\\u2014not just attack or defend. Based on a lifetime of dealing with difficult situations, we\\u2019ve identified five steps to help you face up to conflict.\\xa0 Try this! You\\u2019ll instantly untangle that knot in your stomach and see how a hard conversation can become a win for you and for others. Best of all, you\\u2019ll have another solid tool in your leadership toolbox.\\xa0 In this episode you will\\u2014 Learn what it means to \\u201chold space\\u201d for others, a key listening skill.\\xa0 Gain practical tips for having difficult conversations.\\xa0 Identify the one reaction that will both disarm conflict and redeem your relationship with the other person.\\xa0 Understand when it\\u2019s best to speak and when to listen.\\xa0 Gain the confidence to lead through initiating tough conversations.\\xa0 Once you\\u2019ve listened to this episode, here\\u2019s your next step. Think about the last time someone came to you with a complaint or problem about your leadership. Identify the ways you might have responded better using these five steps. You\\u2019ll grow as a leader! Be a Pal Do you know someone who could benefit from this topic? We\\u2019ll bet you do. Everybody hates conflict! Drop a link to this episode in your favorite social media channel, and tag your peeps. They\\u2019ll thank you for it! Include the hashtag #leadtowin. Resources from This Episode Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin\\xa0 This episode of Lead to Win is brought to you by The Focused Leader 1-Day Intensive to focus your achievement with clear goals and smarter productivity. Find out more at\\n\\nSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at'