Christ is King | Unity is Not Uniformity, November 15, 2020

Published: Nov. 15, 2020, 12:45 p.m.

November 15, 2020
Ephesians 4:1-16

The unity we see is already present.

The peace we long for is here.

The absence of division and fraction is here.

It is just like Jesus says it is, like a treasure hidden in a field, buried in your backyard. Just because you do not realize it’s there. Just because you refuse to believe it’s there. Just because you won’t risk looking like a fool and go digging up your yard it t doesn’t mean it’s not there. It does not mean it’s not real and true. It doesn’t mean you are not already sitting on a fortune and could be living out of those riches.

This realization can be a “monumental, historic, scary, and angst-filled” moment. The release of agency is not something we have been trained or formed to do outside of the church. And frankly, with the focus more on division as of late, the Church has allowed this “monumental, historic, scary, and angst-filled” shift to fall by the wayside, allowing us to become dismissive of the history, traditions, and rituals that have set the church apart from the political mess swirling around us.

Unity within the body of Christ begins and ends in the lordship of the One who has called us to not only be a place where the divine and human intersect in the amazing grace of Christ, but we have been called to also be recipients of that grace. Held together by Grace. Held together by the peace of Christ.

Unity is something we must realize and live into but rather to live by faith is to trust that it’s something God is doing, by Word and Sacrament, by the Holy Spirit. The bad news is, the lack of unity in our nation, the lack of unity in the Church is too great for us to repair it. The good news is, it’s too great for us to repair it...but the Living God is able to...