Conversation with Prof. Suchi Saria

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 1:42 a.m.


In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Suchi Saria as we discuss her journey starting as an engineer applying AI solutions to healthcare including development of state of the art prediction models, doing strategy and advocacy at the highest level of Government organizations to her recent very exciting startup called Bayesian Health. Suchi Saria is the John C. Malone Associate Professor of computer science at the Whiting School of Engineering and of statistics and health policy at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. She directs the Machine Learning and Healthcare Lab and is the founding research director of the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare. She was invited to join the National Academy of Engineering\\u2019s Frontiers of Engineering program in 2017 and, in 2018, to join the National Academy of Medicine\\u2019s program for Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine. Saria came to Johns Hopkins in 2012. Prior to that, she received her Ph.D. from Stanford University working with Daphne Koller.


Saria\\u2019s goal is to use sophisticated computer science and the deluge of data available in health care and other settings to individualize patient care and to save lives. Her pioneering work centers on enabling new classes of diagnostic and treatment planning tools for health care\\u2014tools that use statistical machine-learning techniques to tease out subtle information from \\u201cmessy\\u201d observational datasets, and provide reliable inferences for individualizing care decisions.


Saria\\u2019s work has received recognition including: best paper awards at machine learning, informatics, and medical venues; a Rambus Fellowship (2004-2010), an NSF Computing Innovation Fellowship (2011); selection by IEEE Intelligent Systems to Artificial Intelligence\\u2019s \\u201c10 to Watch\\u201d (2015); the DARPA Young Faculty Award (2016); and the Sloan Research Fellowship (2018). She has also been named as one of Popular Science magazine\\u2019s \\u201cBrilliant 10\\u201d (2016); one of MIT\\u2019s \\u201c35 Innovators Under 35\\u201d (2017); and a member of the World Economic Forum\\u2019s Young Global Leaders (2018).In 2017, Saria\\u2019s work was among four research contributions presented by France C\\xf3rdova, Director of the National Science Foundation, to the U.S. House of Representatives\\u201d Commerce, Justice Science Appropriations Committee.
\\nMore information about Dr. Saria can be found here:
