If You Were Me And .... Lived In Ancient Greece by Carole P. Roman

Published: May 30, 2021, 3:50 p.m.

b'Join author Carole P. Roman and travel back through time to visit Ancient Greece.\\xa0\\xa0In her book\\xa0IF YOU WERE ME AND \\u2026LIVED IN ANCIENT GREECE,\\xa0readerswill learn what kind of food you might eat. What type of clothing you might wear. Even what your name might be! Readers will also get the inside scoop on what children did for fun in Ancient Greece.

The children\\u2019s book series,\\xa0\\u201cIf You Were Me and Lived In\\u2026\\xa0was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound.\\xa0

If You Were Me and Lived in...\\xa0does for history what the author\\u2019s other award-winning children\\u2019s book series did for culture. So get on-board the time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Whether it\'s pirates, princesses, and spies, or discovering the world around you, these books have will keep readers turning the pages and talking about history. Parents, Grandparents, and young readers will never be able to look at history the same way again.
