From "SPAM" to BALONEY BY Leonard O'Donnell

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

b"Welcome to Books on Air - where you'll hear the inside stories of established authors and their work and inspiration of first time authors. \\xa0 \\xa0Today we are speaking with Leonard O\\u2019Donnell - author of\\xa0From \\u2018SPAM\\u2019 to BALONEY.
Do you like to read and laugh? Stay tuned as we explore my guest\\u2019s new book where laughter and humor is a book away.
Leonard\\u2019s new book,\\xa0\\u201cFrom \\u2018SPAM\\u2019 to BALONEY,\\u201d\\xa0provides a collection of humor from useless\\u2019 Internet\\xa0\\u2018SPAM,\\u2019 with a dose of spice to keep you engaged, more than little \\xa0\\u2018wow\\u2019 and yes, a sobering \\xa0\\u2018pinch\\u2019 of reality."