Books On Air The Miracle Before Your Eyes by Rev. Patrick McAndrew

Published: Aug. 28, 2017, 1:21 p.m.

b'THE MIRACLE BEFORE YOUR EYES\\xa0by Rev. Patrick McAndrew (\\xa0

This book will be a featured selection at the Frankfurt International Book Fair 2017 on October 11 \\u2013 October 15 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The author was the manager of a bustling, chaotic high-end restaurant. The work was stressful and pressure packed. One night, he served a drink to a long-time customer. That one drink would change Patrick\'s life path forever. Broken and seeking answers, he was guided to a lakeside on a beautiful summer day. As he sat in silence, he was led down a path of life\'s deepest mysteries, which ultimately revealed the miracle right before his eyes. His path of awakening had begun.

With willingness and openness, Patrick shares his mystical experiences. As he allows insights to unfold, his mind and heart open to further mystical experiences that weave through the fabric of our lives. Join him on his journey.

For ministers and licensed teachers the book could be 18 prewritten lessons based on Universal Principles with new and unique stories that reveal the ways of Spirit in a personal and profound way. It could be the basis for a fall or spring class series. The book is Biblically based and soundly founded on Unity teachings.



* Turning Point
* Instinct
* \\u201cThe Mask\\u201d \\u2013 A Veil of Darkness
* No Evil: You\\u2019ve Got to Be Kidding!
* Clinging to the Rocks
* Lessons in Manifestation
* The Explorer
* Touched by God
* Breaking Through
* Seventy times Seven \\u2013 Means It\\u2019s A Process
* Life is Like Floating
* Lost On A Country Road
* Hold the Oregano Please!
* Deeper Things
* The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like An Onion
* River of Life
* Five Simple Tools
* The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Kite'