A Living Gift and So Much More by Patricia Flowerday

Published: Aug. 15, 2020, 3:26 p.m.

b'\\u201cA Living Gift ....and So Much More\\u201d\\xa0is not just a story about a kidney donation. It is also a journey through life and the friendships that develop along the way.\\xa0

The author had a group of friends, \\u201cThe Fabulous Five,\\u201d who are still very close. They are Theresa (Tari), Patty, Pam and Laura. She met Tari in dance class at the age of 14. The book follows the adventures of this circle of close friends through the disco years and cross-country moves. Join them on a journey full of laughs and tears, full of doubts and a faith that grew through this experience. Patty ended up donating a kidney to a very sick member of the girl gang.\\xa0\\xa0The book is the story of that journey.\\xa0

Not everyone is called to give a body part, but the author believes everyone is called to do something wonderful while here on earth ....something that will impact the people around them in a positive way. If we all accomplished that, what a world it would be! Patty hopes you are blessed and may be changed by this story. She was and she lived it. Find her book on Amazon.com'