Boardgames To Go 219 - Game Conventions

Published: Sept. 1, 2023, 2:42 p.m.

b'Patrick Pence @Farsol Eric Brosius @Eric Brosius Joe Huber @huber \\xa0 Opener:\\xa0Britannia Once again, I\'ve been fortunate to gather a panel of smart gamers from my Discord server to chat on this episode. Patrick, Eric, and Joe joined me to discuss game conventions. We talk about large ones, small ones, and how I think "invitationals" and games days are something slightly different. Certainly related, but I wanted to talk more about the kind of events anyone listening might decide to attend next year. There are local conventions, as well as national (even international) ones that require getting on an airplane. Why would you go to all of that trouble & expense, when you can just play games at home with friends. Well, we have our reasons. Do they match yours? Towards the end we share some of our better game convention experiences, as well as plans to attend this or that in the year to-come. For example, if you\'re planning to attend SDHistCon this November, or else Dice Tower West in Las Vegas next March, let me know! Closer:\\xa0History-grounded eurogames that inspire me when traveling -Mark'