Boardgames To Go 204 - Where Are They Now? A Decade of Spiel & Kennerspiel des Jahres Winners (with Greg Pettit)

Published: Aug. 1, 2022, noon

Openers: Root, My Gold Mine, and LAMA Dice Please join us on the Boardgames To Go discord server where you can chat online with other podcast listeners. The Spiel des Jahres and Kennerspiel des Jahres awards were announced last month. Congratulations to the designers and publishers of Cascadia and Living Forest. These are still the awards with the most worldwide influence and importance, despite coming from just one corner of it--Germany. However, in this episode I\u2019m not talking very much about those recent winners. Instead, my friend and frequent podcast guest Greg Pettit joins me on the mic to talk about the previous ten years of winners. If these awards are as big of a deal as I say, then shouldn\u2019t the winners from the previous decade still be popular & relevant? Still on the table in our game groups? Let\u2019s talk about that. The yardstick to compare them against is Catan. Actually, you can add [thing=9209]Ticket to Ride[/ticket], too. Both of those games won the Spiel des Jahres many years ago. We\u2019ll be coming to the 30th anniversary of Catan in just a few more years, and Ticket To Ride is approaching its 20th anniversary. In a hobby that bemoans the short shelf life of new titles, these two continue to be everywhere. If you run into a new person at school or work that has played \u201cour games,\u201d there\u2019s a good chance they\u2019ve played Catan and Ticket To Ride. THAT\u2019S influence & importance. Do any of the latest decade's Spiel des Jahres winners have that kind of impact? I\u2019m not sure if any of them do, though a few may have some staying power. Greg & I talk about that, combining our own opinions & observations with \u201cdata\u201d from BGG Rankings and what\u2019s on mass market retail shelves at Target or Barnes & Noble. In the US (and maybe Canada?) those are a good litmus test of staying power with the larger public of game-players. The Kennerspiel winners are a little different. Whether these are more for \u201cgamers\u201d or not is up for debate. Here the BGG ranking is probably a better measure. Interestingly enough, the SdJ\u2019s have a more constant \u201cdecay\u201d in their popularity and ranking, while the Kenners have more highs & lows: titles that have done a better job sticking around, and others that are dropping off. The nature of this award has been shifting, too. I hope you enjoy the discussion. Closers: Greg says games need to be introduced & taught more than simply given as gifts. Then Mark mentions the enduring power of Dungeons & Dragons. Somehow they both talk about giving games away. -Mark