Boardgames To Go 195 - Boardgaming during the Coronavirus

Published: May 10, 2020, 10:59 p.m.

A small, solo episode for me to talk about the boardgaming I'm doing during the coronavirus safe-at-home quarantine that so many of us are under. Mostly that means online gaming of one form another, whether a dedicated website or via videochat. My face-to-face gaming has been extremely limited, almost non-existent. I really miss it, as I miss hanging out with my friends. Fortunately we have this technology to keep us in connection and camaraderie, even during this difficult times. I didn't do an opener & closure in this small episode, but I did wrap up with some anticipation for the upcoming Spiel des Jahres nominations, especially the curve-ball surprises we sometimes get. The announcement comes later this month in May. Looking forward to it! There's a great geeklist where you can read everyone's guesses for games that could be nominated, adding your own ideas or giving thumbs/comments to ones you agree with. Online boardgaming sites BoardgameArena Boardgames Online MabiWeb SpielByWeb -Mark P.S. Just played JackBox (Drawful2) with my kids long-distance!