BGTG 147 - A Look Back at 2013 (with David Gullett)

Published: July 8, 2014, 8:59 p.m.

It's a little crazy to finally publish this long-delayed episode, but I'm doing it nonetheless. A look back at 2013 is kind of ridiculous in July of 2014, but I think it's interesting nonetheless because we also talk about broader topics like gaming statistics (personal & community), gaming trends, and looks forward into the "new" year (that's now half-over!).Year-end stats often start with number of plays, and number of games. In my case, those numbers include online plays--which aggravates Dave!--but we're both beyond actually arguing about that. My numbers have remained remarkably consistent for many years: right around 300 plays, 150 titles. The actual numbers were 342 plays, 155 titles, 60 new-to-me. Dave's are somewhat higher (325 plays, 126 titles), but NOTABLY higher when you realize he's a purist that only includes face-to-face plays. However, I prove my point with a story about a game of\xa0Timeline: Music & Cinema\xa0that the two of us played online just prior to recording the podcast.\xa0Another well-worn statistic within our hobby are the "Fives & Dimes," which even predate BGG and\xa0Mark Jackson's tally\xa0of this data. Sure, it always skews toward the shorter games, but even I get a good feeling when I see a beefier title like Brass show up.