The Vaccine / What's Coming Next - An Interview with Michael Guy

Published: Nov. 27, 2021, 7:51 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nMark is going to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with his buddy Chuck. Chuck and Mark wish all our listeners a Happy Thanksgiving. The WHO have received 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that have occurred POST COVID-19 vaccinations. Mark goes into some detail on the various disorders and explains some of the facts. Heres the bottom line all of these eye conditions are related to increased pressure and spinal fluid.  \\nIf you were vaccinated prior to may, the government says you are now unvaccinated, because you need to get jabbed every 6 months. Our Government is NOT recognizing natural immunity. Mark explains - the government wants to eliminate a control group. When the people without the vaccination do NOT develop these future health problems, there is no control group.\\nMichael Guy explains his experience with Operation Warp Speed - he was in meetings with multiple Generals, and they were all asking Michael "how we get people to wear masks". The Path to 71%, they wanted to know what Michael thought about helping get people to comply. But thy lied - it was taking a direction he was not privy to say. Anthony Fauci was on TV reading copy that Michael Guy is it that they are real.\\nWe need to stop calling this COVID-19 Vaccine a vaccine. The old definition used to be a substance that protected and PREVENTED you from getting a disease. Now you can call it a vaccine even if it only a therapeutic, having nothing do do with prevention. When you got the Polio didn\'t get Polio.\\n\\n'