The People Running this Country Right Now are Nuts

Published: June 24, 2022, 1:17 p.m.

b"If you are having trouble getting a flight, don't feel bad about it. There were thousands of flights cancelled this past weekend. Biden and Faucci saw to it that they needed to fire all these aviation workers who wouldn't take this vaccine, so the whole industry is understaffed. Government is the problem. Everyone on main stream media is celebrating pfizer, and child vaccines...but people are waking up, very few of them are taking their children into the doctors.\\nBiden wants to spend more money, that will fix inflation. It's the Democrat party / administration - Biden is incapable and incompetent, it is sad for us Americans. There is a 2 tier justice system in Washington. If a republican does anything, they are hauled in in front of a committee. When is the last time you have seen a Democrat get in trouble for anything.\\nWe have these road maps through history, how to fix things, how things work. But no one ever follow them in the Democrat party. All they do is create one crisis after another, blame everyone else, and say they are the only ones who can fix it. Chuck says Reduce Interest Rate, and Taxes, Mark says drill for oil. It the old Obama line that America is going to do everything different, some how we are going to be NO fossil fuels.  "