The Details of the Infrastructure Bill

Published: Aug. 12, 2021, 3:51 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nChuck says we are all so unsophisticated - we need to be more like Obama\\nThe peasants don\'t get to partake in parties like Obama\'s\\nLalapalooza isn\'t a Super Spreader but Sturgis is?\\nThe Ruling class governs with no regard to the masses\\nObama-Land being built in Chicago - they want donations and is costing 700 million to be built\\nMark mentions that his "Butt\'s Been Wiped" - Pres. Biden yelling that his butt\'s been wiped\\nNevil Chamberlain - Peace in our Time - How\'d that work out\\n2700 Page Infrastructure Bill - who is voting for this?\\nMark details some of the budget on the infrastructure bill\\nCutting 50 Billion from Senior Healthcare for Green New Greenness\\nThe Guys DO WANT Infrastructure spending, but real Infrastructure\\nWe\'re the cleanest, dirty shirt in the hamper\\nThe Ruling Party has sooooo many parties to go to they can\'t keep track\\nWe live in a time where reason is out the window\\nLeaving the Afghanistan was ALWAYS going to be the same\\nDon\'t mess with Texas\\nIs COVID 19 being used as a ruse to create a crisis\\nMark talks CDC "COVID CAMPS" detailed by government documentations\\nFauci says the only way to get back to normal is to eliminate COVID (not possible)\\n5th Amendment is being defied with this Housing extension (not paying rent)\\n\\nDC Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings Link\\n\\n\\nGive H2Max a try and let us know what you think:\\nHelp us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left\\u2019s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at\\nDon\\u2019t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.\\nAlso, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.'