The Attack on Trump

Published: Aug. 29, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nHas Mark told Chuck recently how amazing he is??? Merrik Garland, and this attack on Trump, this break into his house is just crap. This has never been done before since George Washington. What made him do this? What was the thinking. Is this really about the Archives? Presidents have taken things home with them forever, to write books, and what not. If they are worried about Nuclear Codes - don't these change ALL THE TIME? This is ridiculous crappy stuff gong on that we should NOT put up with this.\\nBiden absolutely knew about the Mar a Lago raid before it happened. Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege. The Left keeps playing into Trumps hand, he is the biggest story all over the place. Trump doesn't even have to try to be the biggest story of the month, he couldn't have scripted this better as they made him into a martyr. When have you heard anything from Obama as of late.\\nLiz Cheney now says that Ted Cruze is unfit to hold office. She also says the Speaker of the House is the 2nd in line for the Presidency (ummm no, thats 3rd in line). This woman thinks she is going to run for President as a Republican. Chuck thinks the Democrats are like The Blob - they just absorb people like Cheney.  "