Not Guilty, The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial - An Interview with Colonel Rob Maness

Published: Nov. 29, 2021, noon

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nThe Left is losing their mind over the Rittenhouse verdict. Today we have on Colonel Rob Manas who gives his take on this case and the current state of The Biden Administration.\\nThe Colonel and Chuck both signed up for the military before the were 18. Does everyone know that Chuck was a Plank-owner of the USS Enterprise CVN-65? Colonel Maness says that the people who bled and gave their all for this country are not going to let these crazy communists tear this country apart. \\nThey are welcome to leave at any time they want to, but they are not taking this Country with them. Trump did do this, he may have been a "mean Tweeter" but all he did was expose things they never want to be in the light. Why does the Left treat the Military like a social experiment. Is the vaccine going to cut into our military membership? Does the Left want to purge our current military of conservatives?\\nWe now have a government that is leading us on feelings, not based on data. Government is not reason. Special Ops in the Navy is picking up 6 new operators per year, and we are losing 225 per year. What does this do to our national security and our capabilities. How combat ready are we right now if we needed to go to war with China right now.\\n\\nBio\\n\\nRETIRED COLONEL ROB MANESS HAS A LIFE LONG RECORD OF PROVIDING DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE NATION. HE MADE THE DECISION AS A 17-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR TO ENLIST IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND SERVE IN UNIFORM AS THE COUNTRY FACED MULTIPLE CRISES AROUND THE WORLD.  \\nHaving worked his way up from the enlisted ranks to full colonel, he retired from active duty in 2011, ending his military service of more than 32 years. Following military retirement Rob returned to Louisiana to work as an executive in a Fortune 500 energy CORPORATION. He is currently founder and the owner of Iron Liberty Group and resides in Madisonville, Louisiana.\\n'