Looking Forward to Next Weeks Election

Published: Nov. 3, 2022, 1:32 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nChuck watched an interesting Documentary on Newsmax (they are trying) - this was something about how to defeat a President - everything that happened prior to and during Trumps Presidential run. The Intel community believed that the American people made a mistake, and that it was up to them to fix it. This whole Jan 6th thing is a charade - the entire bureaucracy turned against Trump and tried to take him out with lies and the "dossier".  \\nNo one on the left has ever been held accountable, and no one ever will be. Obama told Trump do not trust Putin and Michael Flynn, and look what happened to Flynn (it could happen to any of us). Have we finally reached a point where we have reached the glass ceiling, and the masses have seen thorough the Democrats bull crap. Mark reviews the number in the House and Senate for what potentially could happen after Election Day.\\nChuck dives right into Elon Musk and Twitter. The Left is talking about challenging Elon\'s documentation on if he is an illegal. Chuck talks the Hunter Biden laptop, how will we hold Hunter accountable, if Joe Biden isn\'t held accountable for HIS actions. 10% for "The Big Guy" - Biden is in so deep, nothing will ever come out about all this.\\n\\nhttps://stream.org/government-officials-have-a-special-portal-to-flag-facebook-posts-for-censorship/ '