Living on Fantasy Island

Published: April 29, 2021, 4:37 p.m.

b'On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about What is real and what is NOT real. \\n  \\nToday\\u2019s show rundown:  \\n\\xb7 Chuck goes in on how so many things we are being led to believe are just not true \\n\\xb7 The mixed messages are just astounding \\n\\xb7 Is there a nefarious purpose behind all of this \\n\\xb7 Mark defines \\u201cAvailabiity Bias\\u201d \\u2013 that what we hear most, we tend to believe \\n\\xb7 How there are no laws in place to show that systemic racism is real \\n\\xb7 FBI estimating that there are only 6,000 people who are members of a white supreamist organization. Out of a nation of 330 Million People \\n\\xb7 Redefining the language has always been the plan to take power \\n\\xb7 John Kerry \\u2013 talking to the Iranians about strikes in Syria \\n\\xb7 Helping a child is one thing, Using an elected office to hid a childs Crimes is another story \\n\\xb7 Polls show that 75% of Americans are FOR some sort of State or Federal identification in order to vote \\n\\xb7 Court Packing and expanding the Supream Court \\n\\xb7 Money is a Magnifier \\u2013 if you were a bad person broke, you will become a REALLY bad person with Money. \\n\\xb7 Mark talks Tony Robbins, and some past stories about giving \\n\\xb7 New IRS data shows that Democrats are the Party of The Rich \\n\\xb7 Tell a lie often enough and it will become a truth  \\n\\nBe sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!  \\n \\n  \\n\\nGive H2Max a try and let us know what you think: \\nHelp us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left\\u2019s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number\\nof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at \\nDon\\u2019t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. \\nAlso, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.  '