Hospitals Making Money off COVID

Published: Jan. 27, 2022, 4:36 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nChuck talks Ron Johnson / the CDC / WHO, the administrations of hospitals. Chuck talks about \\u201ceveryone is lying to you\\u201d. The tweet of his that was retweeted by Pres. Trump that got him banned. But look back a couple years now and pay attention to who is indeed lying to you.  \\nThe Left is always pressing for us to be socialist. Top-Down tyranny from government and government entities. We are in the midst of just lying, and cover ups, and fear mongering, and it is mind boggling, what has happened with our medical advisors under our government. It is so fantastical that it makes us sound like lunatics.\\nMark knows a dozen doctors that are effectively treating COVID19, they have treated thousands of patients and none of them have ever put a patient in the hospital for COVID19. Have you noticed you don\\u2019t hear reports of people dying from COVID at home? It is always in the hospital.  \\n\\n \\n\\n '