False Narratives

Published: Jan. 20, 2022, 4:11 p.m.

b'Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\nWe talk about all the misinformation you must weed through on your day-to-day basis. Because the Federal Government insists that they have complete control of your life, instead of you running your own life. Chuck talks the voting rights bill \\u2013 this is federalizing voting, taking power away from the states. Chuck believes this will not get passed because there is dissent on the left. So, when Democrats can\\u2019t win, they try to change the rules. It is unbelievable to think about\\u2026all you hear is \\u201cAssault on our Democracy\\u201d the Left is trying to tie EVERYTHING into some attack on our \\u201cDemocracy\\u201d.\\nThe Free Press was supposed to act as the unofficial 4th branch of Government. They would hold the other 3 branches to the truth. But now days, our news outlets report gossip and misinformation. They are in the pockets of the Left and reporting whatever narrative they want to. Also, our current Administration is reaching out to Media Carriers to get them to remove stations like OAN, or other stations that carry messages other than theirs.  \\nThe purpose of this government is to make this country ungovernable. Other false narratives such as - Inflation is transitory, inflation is driven by corporate greed, the secret Beef and Meat Cartel (cabal). We paid people not to work, you have more money going after fewer goods and services, the cost of shipping containers has gone through the roof. What did Trump do, he deregulated, and made us energy independent.\\n\\nhttps://hypnotisingbook.com/ \\n\\nhttps://worldmission.cc/donate-humanitarianoutreach/ '