COVID & The Lies

Published: April 8, 2021, 2:13 p.m.

b' Today\\u2019s show rundown: \\n\\xb7 Mark & Chuck have great news from the CDC today \\u2013 cleaning surfaces appears to be garbage. Contracting COVID from a surface is over 1 in 10,000. \\n\\xb7 Of all the people living in London 54.7% of them already have COVID19 antibodies \\u2013 which means we have been locked down for nothing. \\n\\xb7 People were vilified if you spoke out against false info about COVID \\n\\xb7 The Truth is \\u2013 there is no way that Mark has not been exposed to this virus 25 times in the last year & a half \\n\\xb7 Stupidity is a super spreader when it comes to getting on an airplane \\n\\xb7 Mark has never been a fan of Boycotts \\u2013 but it is about time we started letting CEOs know it\\u2019s time to stop just going along with the narrative \\n\\xb7 Chuck is done with Coke \\u2013 and we all need to be heard with our dollars \\n\\xb7 Liberalism has sucked the fun out of Sports, Comedy, everything it comes into contact with. \\n\\xb7 Mark mentions Speakpipe \\u2013 asking listeners go to Speakpipe and leave us a message \\n\\xb7 Mark story about Chuck and airport security and autographs \\n\\xb7 Mark believes the Left\\u2019s spending bill is to collapse the economy, Chuck weighs in on that opinion \\n\\xb7 Mark explains the math behind inflation \\n\\xb7 Janet Yellen has come out and said that she has a solution for Joe Biden \\u2013 calling for a globalist minimal tax rule all 200 nations committing to a minimum corporate tax \\n\\xb7 MLB / Voter ID in Georgia / hypocrisy / they just moved the All-Star game to a Cracker Barrell \\n\\xb7 Elections need to be state by state where the states decide who they want. Not a Popular vote of the entire country. We have 50 Democracies, and the country is a Republic. \\n\\xb7 Trump was the purest of heart president we have had since Regan, and he was the most hated by the Left \\n\\xb7 Manufactured crises keep the people\\u2019s attention while the Left\\u2019s real agenda goes unchecked. \\n\\xb7 China has the power and the money, and they are driving the world, and where we go  '