Are We Witnessing the Implosion of The Left?

Published: June 30, 2023, 2:40 p.m.

b'On Today\\u2019s Episode - \\nChuck starts us out with shape shifting / voodoo economics. Biden is out telling everyone how great everything is, and it just ISNT. It is an absolute lying mess out there folks. Fox has now falling into the same category. The Democratic Party \\u2013 how have they never embraced the values that make us America?\\nChuck talks us through a little of his YouTube deep dives and what he has been seeing recently. Mark talks a bit about the founding of this country, and our God Given Rights. We had to find compromises with the Democrats because they didn\\u2019t identify with our values which are freedom for everyone. These are some of the things being exposed on YouTube now.\\nMark reviews some of the Hunter Biden texts / correspondence proving just how much he was involved and knew about all the crimes being committed by his son and China. Chuck believes people are finally waking up and that they are starting to talk about it. It feels like the truth might be leaking out drip by drip, and even though everyone is trying to cover for Biden, it just isn\\u2019t enough.'