The Notorious Charlie Frazier

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 5 a.m.

In this episode of Bloody Angola: A Podcast by Woody Overton and Jim Chapman the story of Eldridge Robertson, more known as the notorious outlaw Charlie Frazier is told. Charlie was one of the worst criminals in U.S. History and ran with the likes of Bonnie and Clyde. He rose to notoriety during the 20's and 30's during the bootlegging period in American History. An escape artist, murderer and the very reason the Red Cell Block inside of Louisiana State Penitentiary was built, this is an episode you have to hear.#Louisianastatepenitentiary #angolaprison #charliefrazier #eldridgerobertson #redhatcellblock #angolaprison #podcast #bloodyangolaGET 50% OFF PLUS FREE SHIPPING\xa0AT\xa0HELLOFRESH!HelloFresh\xa0delivers step-by-step recipes and fresh, pre-portioned ingredients right to your door. First, you set your meal plan preferences with options for carnivores, vegetarians, calorie-counters, and more. You'll choose from 30+ delicious weekly recipes carefully put together by the amazing chefs!Click Here\xa0to Take advantage of 16 FREE MEALS and FREE SHIPPING!

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