Faith is Now Healing Your Wounded Soul

Published: Dec. 20, 2018, 7 p.m.

b'The enemy (Satan) tries to stop you from living an extraordinary life by damaging your soul through adverse situations and circumstances that occur in your life.In this teaching you will learn:\\u2022 You are three parts: spirit, soul and body.\\u2022 Shame and unforgiveness will put up fences around the wounds in your soul.\\u2022 These fences will keep you from receiving and walking in your destiny.\\u2022 A wounded soul will allow the devil to come in and out of your life.\\u2022 The power of God will destroy the fences and heal your soul.\\u2022 God will give you the ability to understand and operate on another level once your soul is restored!Receive this life-changing revelation, and allow God to heal you from the damage of your past\\u2014and restore your soul!'