I Realized I Was Looking at the Real Deal - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 398

Published: Dec. 29, 2023, 2 a.m.

b'Tonight\\u2019s guest, Jonathan Easley, is a Sasquatch researcher who has a lot of zeal, when it comes to partaking in his favorite pastime, researching Sasquatch. There is a Sasquatch-related experience he had in 2015, however, that vexes him to this day. You see, Jon had a Sasquatch right in front of him that he could have gotten good film footage of, if he would have had the right camera with him, be he had no such camera with him, at the time. We hope you\\u2019ll tune in and listen to Jon chronicle what happened that night, as well as share the details of other experiences.

Jon has a YouTube Channel that\\u2019s dedicated to his research. It\\u2019s called Western Bigfoot Exploration and can be found by going to\\u2026


If you\\u2019d like to check out the video Jon mentioned in the show, that he\\u2019d recommend watching first, Bigfoot of Humboldt, please go to\\u2026


If you\\u2019d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here\'s a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel on Spotify...


If you\'ve had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to https://www.BigfootEyewitness.com and submit a report.

If you\'ve had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to https://www.MyBigfootSighting.com and let me know.

If you\\u2019d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to https://Dogman-Encounters.MyShopify.com

I produce 3 other podcasts that are available for listening on your favorite podcast app. If you haven\\u2019t checked them out, already, here are links to them\\u2026

My Bigfoot Sighting https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-bigfoot-sighting
Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2
My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

Thanks, as always, for listening!'