Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 155

Published: Dec. 12, 2018, 2 a.m.

b'If you listened to Episodes 44 and 82, you\'ll remember tonight\'s guest, Greg Yost, a.k.a. "Squatchman." On those shows, Greg talked about several of the Sasquatch sightings he\'s had over the years, mostly at his hotspot, in Southern Indiana. Well, since Greg was on the show last time, he\'s had other experiences. On tonight\'s show, he\'s going to share them with you. If you\\u2019d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt, sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to If you\'ve had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to and submit a report. Thanks for listening!'